Chocolate Soup Fountain
Resin, IV bag, aluminum bowl, wood, banana leaves, submersible pump, water
“Chocolate Soup Fountain” comments on the accessibility of offal to other people even those of dual descent such as Filipino Americans and pays homage to the life-giving Filipina matriarchs who provide for their families. The dish from Dizon’s childhood may illicit reluctance due to its name. Dinuguan is a Filipino stew comprised of pork intestines, chili, garlic, vinegar, and pork’s blood. The artist used resin to recreate pork’s blood cubes. To encourage her to eat it at a young age, her grandmother, mother, and aunts playfully called it “chocolate soup.” Like water, it played a major role in sustaining her throughout life and opened her up to the beauty of Filipino cuisine.
San Diego Music and Art Cooperative Art Show/Fundraiser, 2019.
Proceeds to ArtReach San Diego, an art equity nonprofit that connects children at K-8 schools with artists to increase access to visual arts education and resources.The Magazine of Contemporary Art, October 2020